måndag 18 december 2017

Dancing in your sleep

Journey of wisdom

This is a song I composed almost a year ago.

söndag 15 februari 2015

Lösenordets längd

Om ditt lösenord är 8 bitar långt, så skulle du behöva ett "rainbow table" med 32 PB (PetaBytes) = 32 miljoner GB av eventuellt sparade lösenord för att någon skulle kunna lyckas med att försöka cracka det.

tisdag 2 december 2014

Christmas cat is coming

Soon I will have a Christmas cat in my bed. She will purr and jump on me. Maybe she wants chococolate and some wine. I think so. :)

onsdag 23 juli 2014

Linux Mint Essentials

Linux Mint Essentials is aimed at both beginners and those at an intermediate technical level. For those who already have in-depth technical skills on Windows or Mac, this book is an excellent start for understanding the structure of a Linux based operating system such as Linux Mint. The book is divided into twelve chapters, and it starts to go through the process of creating a bootable DVD or USB for installation. Then you get acquainted with the Cinnamon desktop environment which is also the book's main focus.

As a supplementary chapter it also discusses the MATE desktop environment and KDE. (Think of a desktop environment, as a graphical interface that you are working in. For example, there are different desktop environments for Windows 7 and Windows 8 and between Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite).

The book addresses the basics of Linux Mint on media, software, networking and security. A big plus is that you get to learn how to use the terminal, GRUB and also some more advanced uses. Personally, I will use this book as a reference book and immerse myself more in Chapter 12, which deals with problem solving. It is interesting that the system logs are so easily available.

 And to you who are new to the Linux world, do not skip chapter 4, which explains the use of the terminal. Sooner or later you will need to type something there. For example, when you ask for help on a forum they will ask you to first enter this in the terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get autoremove After these commands you have eliminated the obvious, to update if a problem persists. To do the same with keystrokes, it takes much longer. And it's also an educational structure to place Chapter 4 so early in the book.

 Since I am using MATE's desktop the file manager is Caja, instead of Nemo like in Cinnamon. I would have liked more detailed descriptions of file managers, not just the file structure. Admittedly, it is possible to do much in the terminal, where it is also described in detail how to copy and move files. But in everyday use so is the file manager that you use the most for documents, pictures, photos and movies. So I would have liked one or two extra pages in the book about the file manager.

I will recommend this book to my friends who I also recommend using Linux Mint.

Good job Jay LaCroix!

söndag 16 februari 2014

At a vegetarian restaurant in Bucharest